
Loaded lasgana

1 pound of sweet sausage, 1 pound of ground beef, quarter pound of sliced capicola, 1 pound of mozzarella cheese, 32 ounces of ricotta, 40ounces of your favorite sauce, One egg, Italian spices, minced garlic, quarter cup of Parmesan cheese, fresh oregano and fresh basil and A box of your favorite lasagna noodles.
I buy link sausage and formikng into bite-size pieces and the same with the ground beef. You have to form bite-size pieces with the ground beef for sure. Boil the noodles until they’re just done. Mix the ricotta, the Parmesan cheese, and the mozzarella cheese, and the egg together in a bowl and add Italian spices and some minced garlic. Cook both the sausage and the ground beef 90%. Add the tomato sauce and simmer. I use a large Pyrex glass baking pan. Layer the bottom of the pan with the sauce first. Then, one layer of noodles, a layer of meat sauce, A layer of the cheese mixture and a layer of the capicola. Repeat. Finish off the top layer with just meat sauce and then sprinkle mozzarella over the top and then bake at 350° for 40 minutes. Let sit for at least 15 minutes. Then garnish it with fresh oregano and fresh basil and done! Make sure to cover with tinfoil while cooking 

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