Sauce, Uncategorized

Homemade Alfredo


Homemade Alfredo!! Easiest and quickest thing I’ve learned to make and can since I began this journey!!


2 quarts heavy whipping cream. 2 sticks of butter. 16oz cream cheese. 12oz Shredded Parmesan cheese. 5-6 cloves of fresh garlic, minced. Salt & Pepper to taste

1. Heat whipping cream and butter on med to low heat, until butter is dissolved.

2. Add cream cheese and let it completely melt also. I used and emersion blender to help it get some.

3. Add Parmesan cheese and seasonings. Stir constantly.

4. Do not allow mixture to boil. Keep stirring. When mixture is well combined and no cheese is stringing off the whisk it’s ready to go.

5. Then pressure can it at 10lbs of pressure for 10 minutes.

For those concerned about the dairy. Store bought alfredo clearly states it contains milk and egg. If you don’t feel comfortable, simply don’t do it.

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